About to Swing

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Ben Draffin

When I swing out
I will fly
I'll experience freedom
from gravity and sensation
and fear

I'll let go right at
the exact sensation of
the end of the swing

I'll let go, fly into the air,
fall, land, slash, plunge,
cold, wet, slimy, fresh, clear,
murky, rush of feeling, feet,
legs, butt, torso,
body, arms, neck, head, face

The eyes closed, the ears still
The body suspended between
energy and stillness
Pushed down by the momentum

Into the water,
feet touching the ground,
pressing into the mud
squishing, compressing,
experiencing the sensation
of enclosure, and weight
and pressure and squeezing
of water from all around me
and I'll pause there

Holding my breath

Wanting to rise, to push,
to spring back to the surface
to make another splash rising up

To spring into the air
to breathe
to open my eyes
to see
to shout

with joy and accomplishment
and celebration

that will be my story

Right after I can manage
to swing out on this rope
that is slipping away