How to Make a Book

This guide aims to provide authors and self-publishers with step-by-step instructions on how to format, compile, and publish a book using online tools such as Lulu, Reedsy, and LaTeX.


This guide will format a book using Lulu's online tools, but the same process can be used for other online book builders, such as a local book publishing, printing, or self-publishing company.

Create a Lulu Account

Visit Lulu's website and sign up for a free account.

Start a New Project

After logging in, click "Create" and select "Print or Publish a Book." Choose the type of project (e.g., print book, eBook).

Enter Project Details

Provide essential book details:

  • Title
  • Subtitle (optional)
  • Author Name
  • Language
  • Category
  • etc.

Proper formatting is important for a professional-looking book. There are online book builder tools available, like Reedsy, that can help you with formatting and design. For more detailed guidance on formatting your book yourself, visit

Add a Copyright Page

Include a copyright notice to protect your work.

At Decentered, we recommend the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License for your book. This license allows others to share and adapt your work, provided they give appropriate credit, which can help increase your visibility and reach. It encourages collaboration and creativity. While others can work with your material without your explicit permission, they must attribute you as the original author. We observe the large majority of authors will collaborate with you fairly.

Generate a PDF

To generate a PDF, you can use Lulu's PDF Creator, or consider alternative tools like Reedsy, LaTeX, or other tools.

  • Compile the document using LaTeX.
  • Review the PDF for formatting, typos, and layout consistency.
Design Your Book Cover

Use Lulu's cover design tool or upload a pre-designed cover that meets their specifications.

Select Print Options

Choose your book's size, binding type, paper quality, and color preferences.

Set Pricing and Distribution

Determine the price and distribution channels:

  • Lulu Bookstore: Sell directly on Lulu.
  • Global Distribution: Make your book available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. (Requires an ISBN).
Register an ISBN

Review and Order a Proof Copy

Before finalizing, order a proof copy to ensure print quality and formatting.

Publish Your Book

Approve your book for publication, and it will be available for purchase based on your distribution selections.


Online bookstores handle distribution, but marketing is up to you. Plan your book promotion strategy.

  • Social Media: Utilize platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok to share updates, teasers, and engage with your audience.
  • Author Website: Consider creating a website to showcase your book, share your writing journey, and link to your book on online bookstores.
  • Email Marketing: Email lists and newsletters can help establish your tone, persona, and reach a wider audience.
  • Book Launch Event: Host a virtual or in-person event to celebrate your book release and attract readers.
  • Collaborations: Partner with bloggers and other authors to reach a wider audience.
  • Book Reviews: Encourage readers to leave reviews on platforms like Amazon and Goodreads to build credibility and attract new readers.
  • Paid Advertising: While we do not recommend paid advertising, it can be a useful tool to reach a wider audience.

Additional Considerations

Some Additional Considerations

Design the Cover

  • Create an eye-catching front cover that reflects the book’s theme.
  • Ensure spine and back cover design are cohesive.
Trim Size

  • Choose an appropriate trim size based on genre and readability.
  • Common book sizes include: Small (5”x8”, 6”x9”), Trade Paperbacks (6”x9”, 7”x10”), and Children's Books (8”x10”, 8.5”x8.5”).
Margins and Gutters

  • Ensure proper margins and gutters for readability and binding space.
  • Inner margins (gutters) should be wider to prevent text loss in binding.

  • Use readable fonts like Times New Roman or Garamond for body text.
  • Standard font size: 10-12pt, with proper line spacing for clarity.
Headers, Footers, and Page Numbers

  • Include chapter titles, book title, or author name in headers/footers.
  • Position page numbers consistently (bottom or top outer margins).
Images and Illustrations

  • Use high-resolution images (300 DPI or higher) for print quality.
  • Ensure images align well with surrounding text and add value.
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